
Four Seasons is an offsite series of commissions by PEER exploring wildlife, biodiversity and artists’ interest in nature. The programme consists of a seasonally changing display positioned outside of the gallery - made easily accessible to passers-by and local residents.

This programme is generously supported by Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust.

Somewhere in Between was a visual diary put together for the Four Seasons programme for PEER. The offsite project recorded the process of making and deconstructing a garment over the duration of spring. Drawing on photographs taken in and around Hoxton Street Market, it starts on the spring equinox, reacting to the change of season using fashion and textiles.

It responses to the temporal nature of a season as the project moves back and forth between the making and deconstruction of the garments. It reflected on sensitivities to shifts in light, colour, smell, temperature and feel of the neighbourhood through the visual diary and community workshops.

